Warm Oatmeal with Teff + Lucuma
I love incorporating super foods and a combination of whole grains into our diet. One of the places I do this is in our breakfast porridge or Oatmeal as I call it.
My daughter loves oatmeal and whether it be quinoa flakes, GF oats, amaranth, millet, or teff it packs a nutritional punch! In this recipe I use Oats and Teff Seeds with the caramel notes of Lucuma.
Lucuma, or 'gold of the incas' is an ancient superfood that is high in potassium, fiber, zinc, iron and calcium. It also aids in blood sugar regulation and paired with a slow release carbohydrate like Oats keeps you feeling full and satiated for longer.
Topped with toasted pecans, coconut flakes, blueberries and honey
Teff and Lucuma Oatmeal
1 cup plantbased milk I use almond milk
1/2 cup GF Rolled Oats
1/4 cup teff Seeds
1 tablespoon of raisins or dried fruit of choice (optional, adds a natural sweetness)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
1 1/2 teaspoons of organic lucuma powder
In a small pot on the stove add almond milk, oats, teff, raisins, vanilla and sea salt. Give it a stir and bring to a gentle bowl stirring occasionally.
Let cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir through lucuma powder. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes on low heat until oats have softened and liquid has absorbed.
Depending on how you like your oats you may prefer a little more or less cooking time. Some like it thick and others a bit loose and liquid. Top with fresh berries, honey, or maple syrup, coconut yoghurt or have simply as is. Enjoy! xx Ash